
This blog holds contents that contain morally unjust ideas which should only be read with an open mind. This blog does not promote the use or support of ideas posted here, which might be highly controversial, but it offers a platform for me to air certain views which I feel might not have passed through the minds of many.

Sunday 19 June 2011

Are humanitarian efforts unnecessary?

We're all familiar with this as well. Whenever a disaster occurs, everyone rushes to the scene to help out, regardless of nationality, race or religion(well of course, we all know it's for building relations). But with all this "goodwill" going around, it has lead me to wonder if it really helps for people to intervene with what is arguably the course of nature.

Perhaps the first paragraph wasn't that clear. So let's put it in a context that is easily understandable. If a country faces perpetual low crop yields despite high population growth(which is prevalent in many poor sub-saharan countries and developing nations), most developed countries would intervene and provide food aid to these countries. Most non-government organisations would as well. This is the scene we are seeing. The ones that make the righteous feel proud and happy.

But let's take a step back. Imagine if all everyone does is to manage their own countries. These countries would be left in their dire situations, and their citizens would end up starving, with many dying of malnutrition. Cruel? Then let us think of what that leaves us with. In a "ideal" (ideal conditions where all assumptions hold true, not morally ideal where everyone lives in wonderland) situation, the population would immediately shrink back to the maximum size it's crop yields can support. From time to time there would be fluctuations in the population, but the population remains at the largest possible size for that given crop yield.

What that leaves us is a relatively stable population in the world, and the population explosion we have experienced would be slowed down significantly. With rising sea levels threatening to devour our land space and crop production, this might just solve the problems we are expecting to see in the future. No donations required. And perhaps, nature would select for us people who survive with lesser food (if there's such a gene)?

Of course, many would object to such a idea. Even I had to think things through before making this post. But this is just a free zone to shoot any thoughts I have right? But anyways, the question here to ask is, are we ready to desert our feelings? Many of us think of ourselves as the a higher order being because we act differently from animals. We think that humanitarian efforts are what distinguishes us from animals, who merely act on instinct.

So, are we willing to give up on what we think has "made us humans" all these while? I wouldn't be expecting that. Perhaps, not while we haven't grown desperate enough from climate change to discard our morals and turn on ourselves.

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